Hydro Charge is a start-up company foundedbyfourindustrial engineering students. The story beganwiththeidea of bringing a product tothe market thatwouldcontributeto a greenerworld. Byexploringthisideafurther, theyconcludedthatthere is greatpotential in hydraulic energy. The concept is toinstallwater turbines in rainwaterpipes of large buildings such as apartmentblocks, warehouses, andsheds. The power of nature, in this case, therain, willconvertthekinetic energy of the water intoelectricitythatcanbeusedinsidethe building.
HydroCharge is a watermill attached to a generator, this converts the energy from rainwater into usable electricity that can be used in the building. The energy can also be stored in a battery within the building for later use.
The watermill is discreetly build in the rainwater drainage pipe, and the motor is placed in a slick casing alongside the pipe. This ensures that HydroCharge has minimal impact on the aesthetics of the building. A small tank is also placed on roof a the building to collect the rainwater, this can open close via a valve to ensure a constant flow rate. Multiple generators can be stacked in a drainage pipe to produce more energy.
Contact us
With HydroCharge, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and increase their use of renewable energy sources without compromising on aesthetics or efficiency. Contact us today to learn more about how HydroCharge can benefit your business.